Dr Rachna Chowla
Joint Director of Clinical Strategy, King's Health Partners

A Doctor at heart, I speak the language of medicine. But, coupled with my MBA, Big Pharma, Health Start-up and Population Health experience, I have a unique background that allows me to credibly bridge the innovation gap and help find solutions that make a real difference to patients and frontline clinicians.
Where are you focusing your energy right now?
Value-based healthcare in its broadest sense, covering urban population health, quality improvement in healthcare and compassionate leadership.
What is your area of expertise?
All of the above, but I especially adore working and learning more about Compassionate Leadership.
How do you contribute to Basecamp for Health System Transformation?
I ran a workshop on the topic of Compassionate Leadership.
What's your current inquiry question about?
How can Compassionate Leadership create the most fertile conditions for improvements in the quality of care in primary care, to then impact on population health?